drbrogan's blog

The Drug-Free Solution to Ending Depression

Many of those in the Western world suffering through depression do so needlessly becuase they wrongly believe pharmaceuticals are the only solutions. Thankfully, safe, gentle alternatives exist that can bring your mental well-being back into balance

7 Facts About Depression That Will Blow You Away

7 Facts About Depression That Will Blow You Away

Originally published on kellybroganmd.com.

What you think you know about depression is probably a myth.  Kelly Brogan, MD exposes the truth behind common misconceptions related to depression.

Adapted from A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan, MD

When Gluten Can Make You Crazy

Celiac Psychosis

Originally published on kellybroganmd.com.

"Gluten Free": No it’s not a wellness fad. And its elimination may very well be the key to resolving what would otherwise be a chronic and disabling psychiatric condition.

3 Scientific Game Changers That Will Transform Medicine

Gamechanging Science

Originally published on KellyBroganMD.com.

Think diseases run in the family? Think again.

Homicide and the SSRI Alibi

Homicide and the SSRI Alibi

Originally published on KellyBroganMD.com

Psych drugs not only have a laundry list of side effects; they can also be downright dangerous.

What kind of a person would murder their own children? A sociopath, right? A deranged menace to society who deserves to be removed from society for life.

What if I told you that this person could be you, just one psychiatric medication prescription away from who you are today.

Do 5 Million Americans Really Have Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is one of the biggest mental health concerns in the United States, but instead of addressing the true, spiritual nature of the disease, the normal course of treatment involves harmful pharmaceuticals. 

This article was originally published on KellyBroganMD.com and republished with permission. KellyBroganMD.com

“I have Bipolar disorder”

On Being Right and Eating Animals

Too many of us blindly put faith into different authorities, but when it comes to personal health and diet, your self knowledge and gut intuition should be your guide. 

This article was originally published on kellybroganmd.com and republished with permission. kellybroganmd.com

The Continuum Concept: Realigning with Intuition

The Continuum Concept: Realigning with Intuition

Originally published on KellyBroganMD.com.

A manifesto for attachment parenting, The Continuum Concept turns a precious and unrealistic-feeling, holier-than-though paradigm into a clear and logical mandate – conform to the Continuum or cause lifelong suffering – it's your choice.

Postpartum Depression Screening: Prevention or Problem?

Postpartum Depression Screening: Prevention or Problem?

Originally published on KellyBroganMD.com

Medicine, in it's truest form is a beautiful testament to the human condition. We are in this together. When one struggles, others support. We are fundamentally, compassionate, loving beings, deeply invested in the welfare of our fellow planet-dwellers.

Immunity: The Emerging Truth

Originally published on kellybroganmd.com

In Humble Awe of Human Complexity

Eastern wisdom tells us that when we think we know, we don't. But when we admit ignorance, we achieve enlightenment. The most profound part of my departure from conventional medicine has been the depths of my surrender to all that we do not, cannot, and must not understand about the body and its experience. Humble awe and wonder are truly the only appropriate states for approaching the complexity of the human condition.

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