Results for Lignan

Avoid Drugs & Surgery for Prostate Issues with Flaxseed

Avoid Drugs & Surgery for Prostate Issues with Flaxseed

Millions of men face prostate issues, with treatment with drugs and surgery often making their problems worse. One study reveals that simply eating flaxseed may be the best way to improve your symptoms, and take back control of your health

Cleanse and Restore with Herbs

Though they have been used for centuries as medicine, medical science is finally beginning to look at the evidence proving that food and herbs are the most effective, powerful healers

Holistic healing systems share a core concept that is critical to success in almost all natural therapies. Practitioners are very concerned about making sure that the body eliminates all its metabolic wastes, and that new harmful substances do not enter the body and wreak havoc.

Sesame May Eclipse Flaxseed As The Ultimate Healing Seed

Sesame May Eclipse Flaxseed As The Ultimate Healing Seed

Whereas flaxseed has been enjoying its "superstar" status in the nutritional world for quite some time, sesame is still rarely appreciated for its true healing power. All that is about to change...

The Profound Healing Properties of Sesame Seed

When it comes to dietary superfoods, there may be nothing on Earth that packs as much healing power into as small a package as the sesame seed. Scientific studies have revealed that sesame seeds are a superior source of cancer-fighting lignans, bumping flaxseed from its “top-seeded” position!

Unlocking Longevity: Polyphenols' Role in Profound Reductions in Mortality Risk

Imagine reducing your risk of early death by over a third just by what you eat. Unveil the power of polyphenols in this insightful exploration

The connection between diet, lifestyle, and longevity has been a subject of extensive research. Recent insights have emerged from a re-analysis of the PREDIMED trial, focusing on polyphenol intake and its association with mortality risk. This article delves into these findings, elucidating the implications of high polyphenol consumption on reducing mortality risks and the underlying mechanisms that may contribute to this effect.

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