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All articles by Sayer Ji, Founder

Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
What if 90% of the peer-reviewed clinical research, the holy grail of the conventional medical system, is exaggerated, or worse, completely false? The very life's blood of 'evidence-based' medicine -- peer-reviewed and published clinical research results – which legitimizes the entire infrastructure and superstructure of conventional medical knowledge and practice is erected, has been revealed as mostly and patently false.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
While many of us are disappointed with the results of the CA proposition 37 ballot initiative, to say the least, the political process is so corrupted with unlimited corporate spending that the real surprise for me would have been if it had passed.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Chocolate is clearly one of the most enjoyed foods on the planet, and has one of the oldest documented histories of use going back to 1100 BC. And yet, many still harbor guilt about consuming it because they associate it with "candy," having never been exposed to the growing body of research indicating it may actually be closer to a "medicine."
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Could common complaints of bloating, abdominal tenderness and indigestion following a meal, and even the increasingly prevalent complaint lazily labeled 'irritable bowel syndrome' by conventional medicine, be worsened -- even caused -- by consuming wheat?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
What is green coffee? Before Dr. Oz featured it on his show this year, creating a global consumer feeding frenzy, it had already been investigated over thirty years ago for its possible liver-regenerating, detoxifying and anti-cancer properties.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A new study published this month in the journal Appetite revealed that when rats were given the synthetic sweeteners saccharin and aspartame, compared to sucrose (table sugar), they gained more weight even at similar total caloric intake levels
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A study from Zheijian Provincial People's Hospital in Zheijiang, China indicates that a compound in turmeric known as curcumin, which gives the spice its characteristic saffron-like color, is capable of inducing cell death within triple negative breast cancer cells
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A new clinical study on the turmeric spice compound curcumin indicates that this ancient spice may soon be elevated to a cutting-edge medicine, as it was found capable of reducing post-bypass heart attacks by 56%.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
An Indian high-profile parliamentary panel has recommended that GM crop "field trails under any garb should be discontinued forthwith," and that further GM agricultural research should "only be done under strict containment."
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
While technically a berry, pomegranate "fruit" may be nature's answer to turning the tides against the #1 cause of death in the industrialized world: heart disease
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Herbicides used in GM farming like Roundup have long been understood to be toxic, that much is true, but the ongoing debate rages over to what degree they are toxic. Shocking research indicates that the so-called "inert" ingredients in these glyphosate formulations are actually highly toxic, and amplify the toxicity of the active ingredient.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Despite popular misconceptions gluten is only the tip of a very large iceberg. There are actually 23,788 distinct proteins that have been identified in wheat, any one of which could incite a negative immune reaction in the body.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Clinical research confirms why office work and coffee go so closely hand in hand. The study published in the journal BMC Research Notes found that drinking coffee reduces the development of pain during computer work
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The concept of a breast cancer that has no symptoms, which can not be diagnosed through manual palpation of the breast and does not become invasive in the vast majority of cases, might sound unbelievable to most women. However, there does exist a rather mysterious clinical anomaly known as Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), which is, in fact, one of the most commonly diagnosed and unnecessarily treated forms of "breast cancer" today.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Groundbreaking new research published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand found that curcumin, the primary polyphenol in turmeric, is capable of repairing and even regenerating the liver tissues of diabetic rats
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Sadly, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time of increasing awareness not of the preventable causes of breast cancer, but of the breast cancer industry's insatiable need to both raise money for research into a pharmaceutical cure, and to promote its primary means of "prevention": early detection via x-ray mammography.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
New research published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology found that "ginger may be a promising candidate for the treatment of breast carcinomas"
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The "diseases of affluence," as they are known, include diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer, and are sometimes referred to as the "Western disease" paradigm. They emerge largely in response to the type of overnourishment that occurs in relatively wealthy societies, and particularly the overconsumption of certain biologically incompatible foods that have become the nutritional centerpiece of agrarian and largely grain-based cultures.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In a 2008 study published in the journal Food Chemistry & Toxicology titled, "Comparative evaluation of the hypolipidemic effects of coconut water and lovastatin in rats fed fat-cholesterol enriched diet," the beverage coconut water was as effective as Merck's original cholesterol-lowering drug in positively modulating blood lipid levels in rats.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis found that statin use is associated with a 52% increased prevalence and extent of coronary plaques possessing calcium.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In a bold and encouraging move on Tuesday, Russian authorities suspended the import of Monsanto's genetically-modified corn over cancer fears spurred by an alarming long-term animal feeding study performed by French researchers at the University of Caen and published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology this month.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The bombshell GMO/Roundup study brought to the forefront the link between what we eat and breast cancer risk, less than two weeks before the start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Will we let this connection be pinkwashed away?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In an alarming new study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, researchers from CRIIGEN reported on the results of a 2 year feeding study in rats given either NK603 Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize, cultivated with or without Roundup, and Roundup alone, resulting in cancer and death.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
New concern has been raised over the toxicity of dental composites, which have long been promoted as overall safer than mercury-based amalgams, to children’s psychosocial functioning. In fact, new research indicates that bisphenol-A based dental restorations may be more neurotoxic than the mercury ones they were designed to replace, resulting in even greater learning impairment and behavioral issues.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Could the active ingredient in marijuana, responsible for its characteristic "high," help turn the tide against the accelerating Alzheimer's epidemic? A remarkable study published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology in 2006, found that this long vilified plant may contain a compound with not one, but two therapeutic properties ideal for addressing both the surface symptom (memory problems) and root cause (brain plaque) of Alzheimer’s disease
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In a flashback as intense and disturbing as a war trauma, Dow Chemicals is setting up the conditions for the return of one of the main toxic ingredients in Agent Orange -- a chemical which it manufactured for use in Vietnam, and which was linked to over 400,000 birth defects among those exposed there.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A newly published study is destined to reignite the decades old controversy about aspartame's safety, or lack thereof. Aspartame converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, which are highly toxic to the body, but the nervous system in particular.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
On Jan. 10th, 2010, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, administering bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) to two infants at the Mahabodhi Temple Complex in the Indian state of Bihar, Buddhism's holiest site – the very place where Guatama Buddha was said to have attained enlightenment approximately 2500 years earlier.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
You've heard for decades about the dangers of high cholesterol, but did you know that LOW cholesterol can lead to violence towards self and other, and has been linked to premature aging, death and other adverse health effects?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation has been pouring millions of dollars into projects aimed at supporting the health of folks in developing countries. But where is all the money actually going? Developing water purification systems? Nutritional support aimed at immune optimization? Providing shelter and medical facilities for the homeless? Not even close.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
How long will it take medical doctors and their patients to see the truth? Will it take being physically blinded before they arrive at this awareness? Eye-associated adverse effects, including loss of vision, may be the tipping point when it comes to recognizing the profound range of damaging health effects associated with statin drug use
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
What happens when we take a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical and pitch it against a farm-aceutical one, ginger? Acid-blockers are taken by millions around the world, daily, but they carry severe unintended, adverse health effects, not the least of which are gastric cancer. Ginger, on the other hand, has over 100 potential side benefits. So, which is more logical to use as a medicine?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A disturbing trend has taken root in America. Mandating chemotherapy in children is equivalent to requiring parents to let others poison their children with chemicals that are themselves classified as carcinogenic. If a parent has not the authority to decide how or what their own child is treated, is the State or are medical institutions essentially laying claim to owning that child's body?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Statin drugs are already known to greatly increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but newly published research now indicates they also accelerate cardiovascular complications associated with the disease, including coronary artery and aortic artery calcifications.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Over 30 billion dollars worth of this drug is sold annually and yet it may be benefiting no one. In fact, there are over 300 adverse effects associated with its use, not the least of which is the weakening of the heart muscle. In order to cover-up the symptoms of statin-induced muscle damage new "diseases" have been coined, including polymyalgia rheumatica.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Rumors regarding the development of a 'digital pill' with a microchip inside have been circulating for some time, but today, the FDA actually green lighted the product. The company, Proteus Digital Health, gained FDA approval for its 1 square millimeter device (the size of a grain of sand), which it believes will "shift the care paradigm" into an era of digital medicine.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the developed world, and yet we are still in the dark ages when it comes to treating and understanding it.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
A newly published article written by a former WHO vaccine committee member, has revealed that estimates for pertussis vaccine efficacy have been greatly inflated because of inaccurate case definitions adopted by the WHO in 1991 which required laboratory confirmation and 21 days or more of paroxysmal cough, excluding and therefore concealing a veritable submerged iceberg of vaccine-resistant cases of pertussis infection.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The world's most popular weedkiller, used at a rate of 88,000 tons in the US alone, has recently been discovered to be highly toxic to fish within the pars per billion range -- a concentration below agricultural applications.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Mineral oil is everywhere these days: in our food, in our cosmetics, and in our drugs. But did you know it is also accumulating in our organs and that you can do something about that?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In the three days that followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks, when all commercial flights above the continental US were suddenly suspended, a veil was lifted on the profound, though until that point unconfirmed, effects that aviation-associated artificial clouds are having on our planetary environment.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
While the FDA marches on with their plans to take away your right to health and nutrition, this documentary threatens to blow their tyrannical rule apart. Never before seen footage, and never before heard evidence that will SHOCK you into action.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
There is a medicinal spice so timelessly interwoven with the origins of human culture and metabolism, so thoroughly supported by modern scientific inquiry, as to be unparalleled in its proven value to human health and well-being
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
We are happy to announce our participation in the Natural Healing Summit which will be broadcast live on air via NaturalNews Radio and is 100% free to access. No membership, email opt-in, or any other type of action is needed to listen. Furthermore, there will be no commercials.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Could the antibody-based theory of vaccine-induced immunity no longer be supported by up-to-date science?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
What does the 4 billion a year, blockbuster Alzheimer's drug donepezil (trade name Aricept) have in common with insecticides, chemical weapons and venom? Quite a lot more than consumers taking them have been lead to believe.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Newly published research from the journal cancer indicates that conventional radiation-based cancer treatments may actually be driving the cancer into greater malignancy. Irradiated breast cancer cells were found to be 30 times more capable of forming new tumors than nonirradiated breast cancer cells.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Conservative estimates indicate that the 2010 BP oil disaster released over 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf, followed by at least 1.8 million gallons of dispersants. While the use of dispersants helped mitigate the public relations disaster by preventing the persistent formation of surface oil, as well as keeping many beaches visibly untouched, they also drove the oil deeper into the water column (and food chain) rendering a 2-dimensional problem (surface oil) into a 3-dimensional one.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Many of us ate wheat and gluten-containing products from infanthood into adulthood, unaware of the many adverse health effects that came with this socially–sanctioned dietary practice, until our bodies forced us to fully appreciate the darker side of wheat. Now, having thrust a baguette into the glutinous heart of the wheat monster, many of us have bodies that are still recovering from its ravages.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
GMO farming practices heavily dependent upon glyphosate herbicide formulations such as Roundup have serious, unintended adverse effects on human and environmental health. New research indicates glyphosate does not break down rapidly, as the manufacturer claimed, but is accumulating in the groundwater -the source for most of the world's drinking water.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Did you know that so-called “incurable” neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed, if not also partially reversed?
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
While ubiquitous in nature, melanin, which provides the coloring found in hair, skin, eyes, feathers, scales, etc., is an especially important substance as far as the human condition is concerned. After all, melanin's role in determining skin color makes it the primary physiological basis for racial differentiation among humans.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
Monsanto-funded research has been proliferating as uncontrollably as their genetically modified (GM) plants, and the bugs resistant to them, of late. Two studies have appeared in scientific journals in the past eight months, both funded by Monsanto, and both discrediting a Roundup herbicide-cancer link.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
There is plenty of research that indicates that the unnaturally accelerated aging process associated with modern living and/or natural environmental exposures such as excessive ultraviolet radiation (photo-aging), can be slowed.

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